
Eagle Yard™ Implementation Methodology

Our team of Experts shall conduct detailed Site Survey for collecting various Operational, Maintaince, Electrial, Automation and IT data, understand existing system, identify area of Optimization, create Statistical and Mathematical models. Co-relate with respect to Machine / Equipment / Yard / Input / Output capacity etc. Study is done to

  • Identify process Bottlenecks
  • Enhance Automation
  • Increase Process Data Capture
  • Establish IT backbone and Connectivity with plant ERP providing very high level of information on Plant Productivity.

Eagle Yard™ will generate Preventive Maintenance schedule for all Electrical & Automation Installation in the yard including yard Machine, Yard Conveyors, Diverting gate, hopper shuttle Conveyor & level Sensors. EAGLE YardTM will generate flexible user defined reports which include consumption pattern of all departments, material availability in the Yard on daily basis, maintenance schedule, for casting the material requirement to be filled in each Bunkers etc. These reports will become important tool for operation of Yard Machines.